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What do you think is more effective for acquiring new customers?

30 October 2014

For a nation of gamblers we're marketing risk averse


The companies that rated best for effective marketing, according to a recent Gartner study, were the ones that spent the most time understanding their customers. Businesses that are introspective and fearful of action will lose sales to those actively talking to customers and prospects. 

How do you guarantee marketing success?

Jan-Patrick Schmitz, CEO of Montblanc North America, says "it obviously starts with the CEO. If he or she doesn’t understand that the business is about the customer and not operations, the CMO is going to have an uphill battle. Understanding your customer is about understanding what your business is and what your business will grow into.”

It's not a lottery, once you understand what customers want from your product or service, marketers that advocate for the customer in the boardroom will win.

Get the message right, then the risks are reduced irrespective of the mediums you then try. If you do understand your customers true needs and what they value most, and built your offer to satisfy those desires, it's time to check out the latest ways to advertise and connect.

Glenn | Tags: Advertising CEO

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