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20 January 2014

The business benefits of a strong brand


Remember just over a decade ago when IBM only sold big computers? Today most of us have more computing power on our smartphone and IBM is a consulting services business. UNO helped IBM make the transition to a service provider to mid-sized Australian businesses with a 4 year content publishing programme.

Many brands are having to change to survive

A few years ago if you wanted to find a business service you looked up the Yellow Pages. And if you wanted to make a call when you were out of the office you had to find a pay phone. It's amazing when you stop and think about how much the Internet has changed the way we do business.

Some once mighty brands like Kodak and Darrel Lea have disappeared, while others have successfully transformed what they offer. Have you taken the time to reconsider what your brand stands for in today's competitive market?

A brand is more than a name and logo

Your brand is what the public thinks you stand for. How you present your business shapes how your brand is perceived. Your brand is how your customers feel about you – the impression you make. It's how you look and how the way you speak. It's the unique way you reveal yourself to customers, from your choice of words to the typeface and colours you use.

If your business has been around for a decade then what your business does may no longer be well represented by what your brand is representing. Today's brands are distinctive yet flexible. Consider wWhat do Apple, Google and Virgin have in common? An ability to sell products and services across virtually any category by leveraging strong brand images that represent values that can be stretched as innovations are brought to market.

Strong branding is a smart business investment

Disciplined brand creation and consistant brand marketing is proven to deliver returns. Once you've differentiated your brand positioning, today you need to remember sales is no longer a linear pipeline, the power now lies with the customer. So for your brand to create wealth it needs to be discoverable across multiple touchpoints. With consistancy, the ROI from building a differentiated brand isn't just financial.

A strong differentiated brand enables the business to:

• Overcome competition based purely on price
• Prevent or slow decline of sales
• Hold on to existing customers
• Build sales leads
• Change perceived quality of your product
• Revitalise customer appeal
• Change company culture and boost employee morale
• Enter new markets
• Speed up product acceptance and trial
• Morally discourage competitors’ salespeople
• Raise capital more easily
• Sell a business more easily

See UNO's proven Formula for Growing Challenger Brands.

Glenn | Tags: brand marketing ROI marketing

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