Get social media right or "you're stuffed"
Every time you use something that you aren't being charged for, remind yourself, it's because you are the product., LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest all let you read and/or post for free because they are making money out of YOU. Businesses of all kinds are constantly gathering data from you and about you and your contacts most of the time you do something digitally. Facebook can now access your phone’s microphone to eavesdrop on what you are listening/watching while you post an update.
The upside is you will be served ads or content or search results that have been vetted just for you. The downside if you're marketing your own business online is you have to recognise the average person will increasingly expect to receive only what they care about.
Social marketing 101: What's in it for your customer?
As Jane Caro told a room full of online marketers recently, people are "entirely able to screen you out no matter how much money you put behind (your message.)
“If the message is not relevant, if the message doesn’t mean anything to them, you’re stuffed.
“the power has moved from those people with large pockets to the population at large. But you can have no money at all and send a Tweet that resonates and takes off like wildfire and suddenly you’re famous.”
Research by McKinseys has shown businesses have found the primary benefit of embracing social media is the ability to open a dialogue with customers and actually listen to what customers want. Not talk at them like a brochure, but understand what they care about and respond, or learn and move on. Here's a reminder of the simple etiquette of doing a business on the Itnerweb.
3 rules of social media engagement: the 3 Rs
To participate in social media as a representative of an organistion or company it is important to remember 3 rules.
Be clear about who you are representing, take personal responsibility for ensuring that any references to your company are factually correct and accurate and do not breach confidentiality requirements, and show respect for the individuals and communities with which you interact.
Remember, you are personally responsible for the content of the posts online. If employing a ghost writer, it is your responsibility to sign off on final content. Ensure any information about your products and services that you provide is true and factually accurate.
Respect copyright, privacy, financial disclosure and other applicable laws when publishing on social media platforms.
If you break the law you may also be personally liable.
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