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What do you think is more effective for acquiring new customers?

01 December 2011

"Greenwashing" Why a great idea that isn't true is a bad idea


What a shame this great ad for Steggles wasn’t for a producer of real free-range eggs. It was pulled because it’s a lie, even though beautifully told. Every person in every agency should be stegglers for detail.

The public deserves better than marketers passing off intensively “farmed” produce as free range when there isn’t room for the animal to scratch itself. “Greenwashing” takes many forms, like adding the claim Hormone Free to chicken packs when it’s been illegal to add hormones to any farmed chicken in this country since 1968.

At the moment here at UNO we are working on a campaign for an Australian innovation, the first plastic to biodegrade in modern landfill, which is where a billion disposable coffee cups end up each year across our country. We have told our client he can succeed as a challenger brand by telling the truth. There will be no green washing, just the facts about what this product can and can’t do. And we’ll do that the way all ad people should, with creative wit and human insight.

J Walter Thompson’s words of over 100 years ago are as right today as ever – “The truth, well told” is why we get up in the morning.

See the vodcast about
what makes biorene biodegradable – the Earth eats it up!

Glenn | Tags: Greenwashing Steggles ad biorene biodegradable plastic

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