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17 September 2012

Ten biggest threats to business

A global survey has given us a picture of what exactly the biggest challenges are for business managers today. Across categories and regions the message is the same – there are half a dozen particular issues companies are feeling pressured by, but don’t know how to deal with.

Those clever marketers at Ernst & Young have come up with a catchy way of showing what we’re all facing – they call it the
Risk Heat Map.


Businesses of every size are facing the same big problems. Fortunately current research shows how your business can turn this time of rapid change to your advantage.

The real insight for business owners in this picture is that while managers recognise these risks, as we look across the Y axis we realise most don’t know how to deal with them. These challenges are the consequence of a new paradigm. There’s an elephant in the boardroom – it’s right there in the middle, emerging technologies. Yes, it’s the Internet.

Drivers of business change 

The Internet has changed everything. For the first time in the history of commerce, we now have true globalisation thanks to the transparency the Internet gives customers. People can now find the truth about any product or service in just a few clicks, in the privacy of their home or using a smart phone on the shop floor.

In the recent past there was still an advantage in being big – a manufacturer could configure a product and control its availability by region, a retailer could price a product depending on the suburb. Today with instant transparency, a customer can pick and choose from what’s on offer anywhere in the world.

Brands can no longer rely on any competitive advantage from tradition, size or resources. Rather, as Boston Consulting says – “in a world of change, the spoils go to the nimble”.
The key to success is not just recognising the drivers of change, it’s ACTING on them.

The biggest risk to any business today is inaction.
UNO has a proven formula for growing challenger brands. We can help you start today, risk free.


Email for an outline of our process.

Glenn | Tags:

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