17 December 2012
Our insights
Thoughts, ideas, comments, and day to day life at UNO.
Nishan | Tags:
27 March 2015
$2M+ of lies to win power
I believe in truth in advertising. So does the commercial TV regulator that demands evidence for any claim you want to make before they give your ad clearance to air. Unfortunately for the voters of NSW, political part… Read More
23 February 2015
The optimum lengths of social media
People now have short attention spans. So to connect you have to cut through. Keep it honest. Keep it simple. And keep it true to your brand. As for length, keep it short.
71 - 100 characters
Posts with 40 cha… Read More
23 February 2015
The average customer has an attention span of

How does a brand catch a customer's interest when their attention span is now less than that of a goldfish? I spent a few seconds Googling to discover the average person's attention span has shrunk since 1998, by 11 mi… Read More
03 November 2014
Think big, or detail will kill your business

"Look, I said I'd bring you the report on micromanagement,just give me a minute!"
Stop sweating the small stuff, especially now there's so much of it. New technologies allow us to gather data on just about everything.… Read More
19 August 2014
Aussie business struggles, time for a creative way out

Will our kids ever be able to afford to buy a house? Can they even afford to rent? Here in Woolloomooloo 2 bed flats start at $1,000 a week, unfurnished! Unemployment is on the way up, mining investment on the way down… Read More
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